Optional Feature: The swapboard allows employees to post shifts to a swapboard that they do not want to work. ScheduleSource offers two options for swaps:
1) Swap with any employee
2) Direct a Swap to a specific employee

The organization controls all operating parameters for the swapboard rules. ENTERPRISE LEVEL DECISIONS: 

First - The Enterprise must authorize use of Directed Swaps

  • Organization /Configuration – default is Off. Choose Enabled to allow ‘directed swaps’ to be used. 
  • If Left to Off, then employees only have the option to post a shift that can be claimed by any eligible employee if swapping is allowed on the schedule.

 Second - The Enterprise must determine what open shifts will be displayed on the swap board:

  • Organization  section/Configuration. All or Only Swapped Shifts. Choose All.

Third - The Enterprise must determine if swap rules can be set and edited at the Location portal by a scheduler: 

  • Organization section/Configuration.

    - Editable: The rules can be set by the Scheduler at the location level. No additional action is required at the Enterprise level. Swap Rules entered at the location level will appear at the Enterprise level under the location/swap rules setting tab.

    - View Only: The rules are set at the Enterprise level and cannot be altered in the Location portal. The swap rules must be Enabled and set in the Enterprise portal for each Location. The default is Off when a new location is added. Go to the Location Section, Open the location, Open Settings/Swap Rules, and Choose swap rules. 

Location Level Decisions

The rules you set for swapping are strictly enforced.
Enterprise Section: Review the Swap Rules and be sure the correct rules have been set:
  1. When logged in under the Enterprise, go to Locations >> Settings >> Employee
  2. ENABLE: Allow Swapping/Claiming shifts check box must be selected for swaps to occur at all. 
  3. Choose the Scheduling Constraints:
  4. Choose the Additional Settings: 

Employee Level Decisions - Actions
  1. If being swaps are allowed, these are the decisions an employee will make:
Remember: With a Directed Swap, these rules hold true:
  • The employee that is chosen is the only employee that will get a link to ‘claim’ the shift.
  • The chosen employee will only be able to claim the shift if they meet all the requirements that you have checked to enforce under your Admin/Swap Board rules.
  • If the employee chosen is not eligible to take the shift and cannot claim it, the employee posting it will not know unless the employee that couldn’t claim the shift sends them an email or the employee posting the shift checks the swap board or their schedule to see it is still scheduled with them.
  • All employees will see the posted shift on the swap board; they just will not have a link to claim it.

When an employee posts a shift on the swap board, they will be notified if and when their shift is picked up by someone else.
If employees want to receive an email when a shift that they have posted is claimed, they must choose to receive a notification option under the C-pack (Collaboration section).