How Does This Functionality Help You?

  • Edit template shifts when there are permanent changes so that weekly schedules can be built quickly and accurately.
  • Multiple template shifts can be edited at once with mass update options.

Templates Section: Editing a Template

Editing Template Shifts

  1. Click on the template name to open the shift list. (Example above: Client 1)
  2. To edit the shift, click on the day of the shift. Edit Shift window displays.
  3.  Change the settings on the Edit Shift window as needed. A note will display in the schedule on that shift.

Video: How to Add, Edit, and Delete Shifts in Templates

Deleting Templates

  • To delete a template, select the Settings tab on the top menu bar. The Settings window displays the Delete button.
  • Deleting the template deletes ALL shifts in the template. It cannot be recovered.
  • Deleting the template DOES NOT affect schedules that have already been built using this template.

Assigning Employees to Fixed Shifts

See Add a Template for information on using fixed or empty shifts in a template.

  1. Select the red empty box in the shift under the Employee column. The edit template window displays.
  2. On the Assign tab available employees are listed. Select the name of the employee to assign.
    If an employee is fixed in the template, they are always assigned to this shift when the schedule is built using the template. When they have been granted a day off, the shift is inserted into the schedule as empty.

Using Mass Update Options

  1. Select the Selected tab in the top menu bar when you want to make the same change to several shifts.
  2. Select the check the box for the shifts you want to change. If you want to change all shifts, use Toggle All under the Selected tab to automatically select all shifts.
    Remember: Use the Options tab in the left menu to filter to select shifts in your schedule that you want to make changes to. Then Toggle All works very quickly.
  3. Once the shifts you want to change are selected, use one of the following:
    - Update: Use to change Day, Shift times, Break times, Station, ShiftGroup, Note, or to Mass Delete all selected shifts.
    - Assign: Use to assign one employee to all selected shifts. Can also clear Assignment to make the selected shifts empty.
    - Clear Breaks: Use to clear breaks from selected shifts.
    - Delete: Use to delete all selected shifts.

Video: How to Mass Update Shifts in Your Template