
  • Access to every portal is controlled at all times by your organization.
    - If you cannot Sign In, contact your Enterprise Administrator.
    - ScheduleSource does not provide access to any user.
  • Access must be individually granted by assigning an account code, username, and password. 
  • Security is controlled by your organization. You can disable access privileges or delete users as needed.

User Privileges and Roles

Access to Enterprise and/or Location Portals

  • All user privileges are assigned to the user by the Enterprise Administrator in the Roles section of the Enterprise Portal. This controls what a user can see and do.
    - If you feel you are missing privileges, contact your Enterprise Administrator.
    - ScheduleSource does not change privileges or roles for users.

Section Access
Section links appear in the top menu bar if you have been granted access to that section within either portal.

Section Privileges

  • Roles are defined separately for each section within either portal.
  • Privileges grant you the ability to view, edit, add, delete, or perform other functions within each individual section.
  • View-only privileges are indicated by either grayed-out field entry boxes or the absence of a save button at the bottom of the window.

Folder Privileges
Applies only to access in the Enterprise portal
  • If your organization assigns you to a folder, you only see the locations and employees that have also been assigned to that folder when you sign in to the Enterprise Portal. 
  • You are not able to view the entire data set in the enterprise for all folders.

Employee Privileges

Access to Enterprise and/or Location Portals

  • The Employee portal contains information that is specific to that employee.
  • Privileges that define what employees can see and do in the Employee portal are determined by the organization.
    - These privileges are set for each individual Location account separately.
    - These privileges can be set in the Enterprise Portal. Or you can authorize control to the Location portal for that account.
  • When your organization uses the Swapboard, privileges and parameters are set by each individual Location.

Schedule Source

Important: Keep your Contact Information Current

  • ScheduleSource provides access assistance to the main Enterprise Administrator contact listed on file.
  • If the person who serves as your Enterprise Administrator changes, it is very important that you notify ScheduleSource so that we may continue to provide assistance.

Remember: All of the Enterprise Portal Help Cards provide specific directions for setting up access privileges. Also, see Documentation for links to the Enterprise Portal User Guide and the Location Portal User Guide.