- Enterprise portal – main administration portal which is an umbrella housing all locations and initial data entries. Locations, Employees, Stations, Users, and Time projects are entered here and assigned to locations for use. (Enterprise User access)
- Location portal – individual accounts where scheduling occurs. (Location User access)
- Employee portal – individual employee access to view their schedule and perform operations authorized by the organization. (Employee access)
Home Page
- Displays summary information and charts.
- Blue links provide direct access to areas with action items.
- Can be accessed at any time by clicking on TeamWork in the top left corner.
Main Menu Sections
The headings in the main menu bar that allow access to the different functions of operations within TeamWork.
Top Menu
- TeamWork– Brings down drop-down menu with all the other TeamWork 5 sections.
- Home – returns you to the homepage.
- My Settings – Opens your settings.
- About – Information about TeamWork 5 that will help you navigate the program
- Print – Use this to print any TeamWork 5 page
- Help – System help document. Contact link brings up an email window to support where questions/suggestions can be submitted.
- Your Name – Brings down drop-down menu with settings and exit buttons.
TeamWork Menu
- Locations – Information on the location you're logged in under.
- Stations – Places where employees are assigned to work. Edit station priority and information and assign employee skills
- Employees – People who are scheduled to work in shifts in the schedule at assigned stations. Enter or Edit personal information, contact information, scheduling max limits, time clock defaults. Manage status, stations, availability, and leave.
- Forecasts – Used to create a template from headcount data. Assists in analyzing and managing your scheduling needs.
- Templates – A set of shifts, that normally remain constant, built in a template that can be used in creating a weekly schedule from one or more templates.
- Bidding –Used to provide an automated way of creating shift bids that employees can bid on. You can also create template bids and assign employees to the lines. Optional additional module.
- Leave – Used to create calendars for employee leave bidding, i.e., vacation bids. Optional additional module.
- Schedules – Create and manage schedules for the location. Set scheduling setting options. Manage the Swapboard. Generate an Over/Under Analysis report.
- Time – Time management if using the Time & Attendance module. Optional additional module.
- Collaboration – Messages, notifications, and events. Optional additional module.
- Reports – Allows viewing location data with fixed reports provided in that section or designing custom reports using location data.
Terms In Different Sections
The following are terms you see in different sections.
- Options Tabs – Contains filters and display options for viewing data.
- Folders – Provide a hierarchical structure to organize locations. Each location and user can only exist in one folder. Employees can belong to multiple folders.
- Assign To – Makes the data being assigned visible and available for use in the Locations.
- Default Location or Project/task – Indicates the primary work place or usual time card entry project.
- Auto Fill – Uses the optimizer to fill the empty shifts in location schedules. Scheduling parameters entered are strictly enforced.
System Messages
- System messages display on the Sign In window under the portal Sign In box.
- Release and maintenance window notifications are posted here.
- When there are no system messages, the following displays.
Sign Out
Always use the Exit button to disconnect from your current session.