SECURITY: Role Settings Changes
Several role settings have been moved and/or renamed to better align with the sections of the application. A new role setting for “Grant over Quota” enables managers to grant leave that will exceed the employee’s quota. This setting will need to be enabled for users who need this capability.
LEAVE: New option to enforce Quotas on regular (ad-hoc) leave.
TeamWork has supported quotas for allow leave (hours or day) within a timeframe - typically a calendar year. Use of quotas previously depended on “Leave Management” and/or “Leave Bidding” to be enabled. Now, organizations can opt to utilize quotas in conjunction with regular (or ad-hoc) leave.
TIME: New Time Card (hours entry only)
A new Card view with ability to add time to the time system without the need to add start and end times. Employees report only the number of hours for a location/timecode for a specific date. The location/codes can be ‘saved’ and be prepopulated so the time entry for an employee can be very quick.
SCHEDULE: More checks for Max Allowed Splits and Max Consecutive Hours
Two settings for auto-fill, introduced in 2022, are now checked in both the availability pop-up and on Swapboard. These settings are 1) Max Allows Splits, and 2) Max Consecutive Hours. Using these settings will help to avoid lots of gaps within a day, as well as ensuring a break or two if scheduling with lots of small shifts.
SCHEDULE: Restore Deleted Schedules
A new page shows recently deleted schedules and who deleted them. Schedules can be restored with one click. After seven days, schedules are deleted permanently.
Employee Portal V6
We’re releasing a beta version of our updated UI for the employee portal. The new UI introduces a common menu for all pages. Most pages remain the same, except for a new Swapboard shift count panel, in place of the calendars. The UI libraries have been updated for readability and speed.